Sunday, July 19, 2009

Less than 10 hours to the start !!!

It is 10:25 in the evening and I need to get some sleep, so apologies for the very short blog entry. Today we went to pick up our race numbers in Montelimar. There was a full pre-race village set up with dozens of vendors selling bikes, clothes, food ... just about all one would need if you arrived at the race with no equipment - and needed to buy everything.

After some shuffling of race numbers (there are 9500 riders, and they are starting in waves, so some concern exists in getting too far in the back) we were able to sort things out and read up on the last minute information needed.

Of course Bob had some fine words and expressions to share in the Trek booth ...

And we did see the latest Livestrong offering from Trek ..

Overall, Montelimar was a very friendly town, and seemed they appreciated having the Tour start there ...

But of course some crazy chicken lady was out protesting something ... I think she wanted more bike lanes or something ... I did not quite understand her sign.

OK, alarm is going off at 4:30, so off to bed. Race starts at 7 AM, and we need to be in the starting pen at 6:30. I'll have camera and video recorder ... will share more info (and something about our short trip to Avignon) after the ride!

Please wish us luck ... and we promise to be safe!

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly wait for your report on the actual "Etape du Tour" event, John.
    And I am both proud and glad you guys all made it to the top of the Giant of the Provence to tell the story.
    Tremendous job, you've got all of my respect for sure.

    For the mechanic's and driver's view of things check
